Sustainable Timber

What Is Sustainable Timber?

Timber is sustainable if it comes from a well-managed forest. Trees absorb carbon dioxide as they grow, and this isn’t released when they are harvested and used for timber. In a well-managed forest, more trees are replanted than cut so the forest can continue to absorb carbon dioxide. Maple Firewood Great Yarmouth only sell only the finest sourced sustainable  timber.

What Are The Benefits Of Sustainable Timber?

As well as the plus points of using wood generally, sustainable timber has other benefits:

  • Wood is considered as carbon neutral because trees absorb carbon dioxide as they grow.
  • It has good thermal insulation properties.
  • If you use sustainable timber, you are contributing to the growth of forests, which absorb carbon dioxide, the major greenhouse gas.
  • Using sustainable timber contributes points towards the sustainability rating in the Code for Sustainable Homes, the government’s ratings scheme for new homes.

For more information or to order our sustainable sourced timber please call Maple Firewood Great Yarmouth on 01493 369127